Educational Panel: Youth Mental Health
March 23, 2023
Giving Together’s members have chosen mental health, with an emphasis on youth mental health, as the focus of GT’s 2023 multi-year $50,000 grant. The compelling importance of this topic is evident: COVID-19, relentless violence, on-line bullying, less visible but corrosive effects of socio-economic disparities, among other factors, all have had a devastating effect on the mental health of our young people.
On Thursday, March 23, members learned more about this topic from an educational program featuring a blue chip panel of experts: Schroeder Stribling, CEO, Mental Health America, Dr. Deitra Bryant- Mallory, Senior Deputy Chief, Student Supports, DC Public Schools and Michael Lamb, Deputy Chief, Science of Learning and Development, DC Public Schools. The panel was moderated by Dr. Marla Dean, Senior Director of the Greater Washington Community Foundation’s Health Equity Fund. A recording of the program may be viewed below.