Honor a Friend: Contribute to GT's Ellen Fund!
Ellen Yahuda, a longtime and beloved GT member, passed away in 2022.
Ellen served on the board and was GT Treasurer. She was a generous donor to GT causes.
Giving Together welcomes contributions made in memory of cherished GT members and honoring milestones in the lives of members and friends. These gifts can be a celebration of someone's birthday, graduation or anniversary, or in memory of someone close to your heart. All such contributions go to GT's "Ellen Fund" and will be used for grantmaking or the Emergency Fund -- wherever GT needs it most.
To contribute to the Ellen Fund, please fill out the form below, and click Send. Then click the DONATE button, which will open the Paypal/Credit Card payment page in a new window.*
Alternatively, you may contribute by check made payable to Giving Together. Mail to: Giving Together c/o Carolyn Miller, 8900 Saunders Lane, Bethesda MD 20817. Be sure to include the details in the form below.
*Please consider adding the processing fee of 2.2% if you donate by PayPal or credit card. This extra contribution will cover fees charged to GT.
IMPORTANT: Please submit your details below.