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Giving Together Membership Renewal


Thank you so much for your continued support as a Member of Giving Together.  


As you know, $1,075.00 entitles you to continue your membership in Giving Together with full voting privileges (includes a $75 annual administrative fee). ​


Please send your check for $1,075.00 to: Giving Together c/o Carolyn Miller, 8900 Saunders Lane, Bethesda, MD 20817. 


If your renewal check comes via a Donor Advised Fund, Trust or other financial vehicle, please be sure to start the process early as it usually takes longer to receive.  Also, be sure your fund has the correct mailing address for Giving Together.


Alternatively, if you would prefer to make your annual membership contribution using PayPal or a Credit Card, please click on the DONATE button below and type in the amount on the donation page. In this case, your renewal contribution will be $1,098.00 which includes a $23.00 fee to cover PayPal’s credit card processing.


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Giving Together is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations are fully tax-deductible.
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