GT Members Eat, Drink & Give at Holiday Celebration

On Dec 11th, GT members and guests enjoyed celebrating the holidays together at a party hosted by the board at the home of member Ruth Kincaid. Thank you to Ruth for opening her beautiful home to us. The delicious food was prepared by the board and followed a festive Greek theme. The menu included Greek meatballs, turkey-spinach meatballs, traditional Greek salad, orzo salad and spanakopita, among other delicacies. We also enjoyed a variety of cookies baked by Ellen Yahuda’s teen granddaughters, who received community service points for baking for us. Another yummy (and healthy!) dessert: chocolate-dipped strawberries, specially prepared by Sheryl Donaldson's husband, Rick! The GT holiday party is an annual tradition and is always a warm and cheerful gathering for GT members. This year GT "adopted" a family for the holidays – a young mother and her three-year-old son – who are clients of our 2017 grantee, the Healthy Babies Project. Our generous members who attended the party helped fulfill the family's Christmas Wish List, bringing gifts of clothing, books, toys and gift cards for Nyana and Blaik. Later that week, many of our members volunteered for another annual Christmas tradition: A Wider Circle's “North Pole” (see the next blog entry for a full account). GT was clearly in the spirit of "giving together" during the holiday season.